Gidget Talks

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Tuesday, May 13, 2008

the Bachelor - ABC gone wrong

I have watched the American television show "the Bachelor" since it first aired. I have watched all the seasons, all the episodes, and yes, all the drama and cat fights.

I had up until now thought they were real, and that it was an honest reality show. I do not really watch much television. I have less than 10 shows I ever watch. Usually I am more of a talk show, or news show viewer. Political shows are in the forefront. I am so particular as to what goes into my brain, that I have strong filters in place to not have so much trash in there. I have tried a few other reality shows and series shows, 90% just fall short to me.

Now, I am a strong proponent/advocate of Love and Happily Ever After. I do wish the best for others. I believe in relationships and meaningful lives being enter-twined. I do look for it everywhere around me, and smile in happiness.

This is the first season "the Bachelor" seriously failed in my scoring principles. At first I was willing to go along with it to a point, but upon introduction of the contestants, I became immediately suspicious. All contestants seemed legitimate but one. Shayne Dahl Lamas. Seriously here, how obvious of a set up could this have been?

From the very first time I heard she was an actress, and heard she was Lorenzo Lamas' daughter, I know this was some sort of phony put on season. You could have immediately guessed the outcome on this one. Then the more and more she was not eliminated, the more it was confirmed it was just a show for ratings.

What on earth were they thinking here? Let's be honest. What could ABC have been thinking to even do such a thing? Are ratings on that show so pathetic they have to scrape the bottom of the barrel for this gimmick? This was such a let down I cannot even fully write about it.

Let's face it, she isn't even much of an actress and essentially her career was over with, until "the Bachelor" was used to jump-start a failing career.

A look in the past.. her career consisted of :
..(1) 18 episodes of General Hospital, in which she must not have been too good cause I do not even remember her. And to be frank, there are no pictures I could even find of her while on that show. roflmbo!

(2) A movie with her father Lorenzo Lamas called "Air America" which was a box office bomb! Daddy gave her the part.

That is basically IT!!!

There has not been a single thing going on for her, since the first of 2006. Her so called career was dead in the water.

Since "the Bachelor" was in the works, she is suddenly working? She has that series, plus 3 more things going on? HOW CONVENIENT! One being such a bit part, she was referred to simply as "the red bikini girl"! LMAO!

Even her own father was suspicious of Shayne's motives for being on "the Bachelor". He said straight out that he thought her reasons for doing the show was "her opportunity to be on television", that she "wanted to be a star".

In all reality speaking, it appears the last 2 generations of Lamas' are bust. They really have nothing else to offer audiences. They are wash-ups. This was a way to get both Shayne and Lorenzo back in the public eye, hoping it would jump start both of their dying careers. How pathetic!

Each and ever single week that whining baby Shayne didn't get a rose, was a week that I knew this season was about as phony as a $3. bill. Sad but true. There was nothing sincere or legitimate about any of it. I believe it was predetermined who was going to be kept in until the very end. ABC who are you seriously kidding here? Shayne Lamas was a plant and it was all arranged through out who was going to be the "chosen one" at the ending.

I will even go out on a limb here and question whether "Matt Grant", himself, is interested in his acting career. Because this was one of the biggest acting jobs I have seen in ages. Matt Grant was all put on and I do not think a single thing of this series was legitimate at all. I just feel sorry for those 23 girls who were scammed.

All I can say is... SHAME on you ABC and the producers of "the Bachelor" cause you really made the show nothing more than a mockery now, and it lacks credibility now, since you have chosen to do something to ridiculous to it. Turned it into a failing sitcom instead of an actual reality show.

You have disappointed me 100% on this season and it will seriously make me rethink ever watching that show ever again. I for 1, do not like being conned. I suspect this was quite a con game. ABC you should know better. The viewing public is not THAT STUPID!

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