Gidget Talks

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Saturday, May 10, 2008

~ America At It's Worst! ~~ Part 2 ~ Our Dignity and Respect ~

This continues from my last post with similar title...

I am going to continue my last blog in this portion.. About the American Image being set forth by the American leaders like Hillary Clinton.

In general, it seems that when a bad image is perceived by another, it remains that way, until it is replaced. So essentially, what images big mouth politicians who are in a PUBLIC forum, shouting out such venomous crap remains in the minds of others globally, until it is replaced.
Usually only the negative is remembered for some reason, so it will remain for a very long time.

However, I believe that if all good, regarding the image, would sustain the forefront for a very long time, then perhaps the entire images could be reversed. Say in 25 years, as a good guessing point. I figure those who've heard it and seen it, are either too old to remember, or never cared in the first place, such as the way youth stands in today's society. roflmaoooooooo

What these politicians in office do not realize that even your reputations reflect on the entire county's image, which all factors into the state of its entire composition. Including financially. The image of America can even effect the state of the rates of exchange.

There are so many key factors that go into the state of the Countries, I believe that the politicians have no clue to what the verbal Diarrhea that comes from those who are in the news for various reasons, is exactly how the world views each of our own countries. Most of those who are in the news, either do not see how it reflects on us all, or just blatantly do not even care. Both to be just reprehensible.

No one in political office these days in America, even have any morals, common sense, dignity, and most of all, the ability to use proper decorum what so ever. Their LACK OF proprieties, are just unwavering. Being mean is more important to them then proprieties and respect.

For a single politician, or as a citizen, without proper respect for the positions of the President, and vice President, whether they like them or not, should not be questioned. It should just be common practice, to respect the higher positions and those who serve in them, regardless of personal feelings. It should be a factor in respecting those positions, and use decorum in their verbal communications, which reflect such.

Show Pride and Self Respect by supporting your leaders, whether you like them, agree with them, or not. Just do it out of properness and Loyalty to your Motherlands.

I just seriously feel, so much decay is happening in our Countries, especially in American, and it just grows in leaps and bounds. Please tell me where that pride is? I cannot see it? It has been missing since the Nixon Years in the White House. The Watergate scandal sort of kicked off decades of fallen Proprieties! There is nothing but shame in the American Government, as well as a some other governments.

We are in a BIG BULLY society. Everyone has got to be "BIG BULLY's". It is always the bad boy and bad girl attitudes. Respect is missing in our society. Gravely so.

Shame on all you bully's who cannot be great citizens, and have pride and respect.

More to come on this. It is in segments. ( to be continued)

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