Gidget Talks

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Friday, May 9, 2008

~ America At It's Worst! ~~ Part 1 ~ Hillary Clinton ~

Election 2008 -

Throw in the towel Hillary! Good Lord!!!!

When on on earth is that crazy woman going to admit defeat? Throw in the towel Hillary!!

This is exactly like the Al Gore situation where he refused to admit he lost the election back in 2000. He kept calling for recounts in so many different states. Wasn't it around 25 recounts in Dade County alone?

When on earth is this woman going to admit she is a loser?

She is currently making "ALL" democrats look like idiots, with her constant dividing of the party. She has no clue what it is doing to the image of the democrats. Just like she has no idea what her bashing of the PRESIDENT of the UNITED STATES, is looking like not only to her fellow Americans, but others globally.

When other countries see Americans bashing other American leaders, they join in and state the same things that is coming out of her UGLY mouth. Her venomous mouth. What garbage she regurgitates is giving all Americans a very bad image. The sad thing is it has grown to be so horrific in other countries, that it would take 100 years to turn the image of America back around.

Hillary needs to takes some sort of classes in how to act with dignity and decorum. She is lacking on so many levels. I, personally, am ashamed of Hillary Clinton in any position in government. Just as I was of her husband, Bill Clinton. They way I see it, they left a bad taste in our mouths for 8 years before, I do not want that same bad taste again.

I do not want to see the sacred Lincoln Bedroom rented out to the highest bidders. I do not want to see another turn of gifts to the citizens of America (well the American Government), being packed once again in her suit cases. That was seriously sad!

Hillary Clinton doesn't even have enough dignity to throw in the towel and bow out gracefully. Just like Al Gore didn't have when he lost 8 years ago. Hillary Clinton was obviously not raised with any sort of formal training in the ways that people in dignified positions should act and talk. I just have reached my limited with both of those Clinton's being in politics.

Bill and Hillary Clinton,,,,, It's time to say Good Night Gracie!

Bill and Hillary Clinton,,, you make me weep for THIS COUNTRY!

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