Gidget Talks

I welcome you to my blog. I hope you enjoy the ramblings and muses I write in here.

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NO DRAMA! Please do not use this as a forum of fighting, and drama. This is my blog and not yours. If you want to be dramatic, do it in your own space.

Thanks for stopping by and please enjoy my ramblings and muses.


Monday, April 27, 2009

Me and My Stendhal Syndrome

I "GET" how others will never see the same beauty in things that I see. But others do not "GET" what they are missing.

This is just a little information about Stendhal Syndrome from one who was blessed/cursed by it my entire life.

I had known early on there was something happening, just not sure until around 7th Grade in a painting class. We were all asked to paint a picture of the person who sat across from us. Mine was of Sandy Trost. The class all had finished their's, but me and I struggled with it cause I could never reach that point that I was satisfied with it. Always not quite perfect. Not like the masters perfect, in my eyes. In my eyes. Not in the eyes of others. My teacher had said it was fine and I got an A on it.

Somehow that image of not getting it where I wanted it, was probably the start of noticing my life was heading in a specific direction with this etched in my mind. That incompleteness of that painting.

I had taken many art classes through the years. I had painted in nearly all mediums. Drew until my hands hurt so much I got muscle cramps in my hands.

I had also participated in nearly every kind of Arts and Crafts known to man, over the years of my life thus far. I simply love working with my hands being creative. It soothes me. It gives me a sense of meaning and enrichment. It is part of what defines me.

I has been "unsettled" with having Stendhal Syndrome for so long, until I was sitting in an Amish quilting circle. When someone told me an Amish Quilting Theory, which made my prospective all better.

The Amish quilters would intentionally make mistakes in their quilting. No matter how perfect, yet always gorgeous, they would quilt them, they would make intentional errors in them. Like turning 1 piece the wrong direction, and things like that. Sew crooked lines here and there. I asked why they did this. I was told that it was to prove that only God is perfect. That error were made intentionally to make them "imperfect".

It was at that point, that I realised that I could never do things "perfect" no matter how much I wanted them to be. I had accepted that I can make things as "imperfect" as need by, cause even I can and will never measure up to God, in his "perfect" ways. I can only try to be the nearly best that I can be.

So this is my "imperfect" blog at this point and time.

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